Home is Where the Heart Is
design size: 7.5in.w x 11.9in.h on 14 ct or 28 ct over two threads
Price includes: a color chart and color key listing floss colors for DMC; a color photo of the finished piece; a large, easy-to-follow black and white chart with symbols and black and white key. A nice project for the stitcher with some experience. A touch of folk art in shades of blue. Pieces of this chart can be adapted to on other stitchable items such as napkins, breadcovers, or mugs that are made especially for cross stitch. The square shape of the birds and floral center section can also be used to stitch and sew a pillow. Includes a few beading, framing, and project tips. (Mat and frame not included.)
International, HI, AK available as PDF only