Grandmother`s Garden Collection
design sizes vary: flowers approx 4in. x 4in. on 14 ct
PRICE INCLUDES: color charts and color keys listing DMC, Anchor, and JPC floss colors; a color photo of the finished pieces; and large, easy-to-follow black and white charts with symbols and black and white keys. Charts and step-by-step project directions are included for making a framed memo board with a fabric-covered mat, a vase wrap, a basket decoration, and placemat pockets; plus how to make fringed napkins and seed-saver packets.The main flower designs can also be framed. These designs coordinate with "Grandmother's Garden" and are perfect for anyone who loves to garden with flowers. Use these charts to stitch other things, too: tabletoppers, pillows, hand towels, mugs, doilies, and more. Best for stitchers with some experience. (Frames, basket, vase, placemats, and fabrics and embellishments not included.)
International, HI, AK available as PDF only