Fruitful Stitches

tote bag design size: 6.2in.w x 3.1in.h on 14 ct

SKU: 0242-46 Categories: , Tag:


Price includes: 11 pages of color charts and color keys for a tote bag, needle book, scissors case, pin cushion, and button box listing floss colors for DMC, Anchor, and JPC; a color photo of the finished pieces; large, easy-to-follow black and white charts with symbols and a black and white key; and backstitch information. Includes complete sewing and finishing directions for making a lined tote bag with pockets inside, a pin cushion, a scissors case, a folded needlebook, and a fabric-covered button box. These designs incorporate tiny red beads to dress up this special sewing set. A great gift for stitchers on your list! Best for the stitcher with experience. (Fabrics, basket, and paper maché box not included.)

International, HI, AK available as PDF only